For class times refer to our Locations(contacts) page.
The Hombu Kids class is registered as an ACTIVE KIDS PROVIDER with ServicesNSW

Supplementary exercises Performing Chi Ishi exercise shown above.
Kancho Wong curently holds the rank of hachi dan (8th Dan) in Meibukan Goju Ryu but strives to continually expand his knowledge and skill by exploring and collaborating with other masters from many different schools.
At Wongs Dojo we teach traditional karate, however, for students who wish to also compete in sports karate training is provided. We have a long and strong relationship with AMAC (a division of WMAC) and Wong’s Dojo has produced state and national officials and champions in karate and kobudo over many years.
For class times refer to our Locations(contacts) page.
The Hombu Kids class is registered as an ACTIVE KIDS PROVIDER with ServicesNSW
Supplementary exercises Performing Chi Ishi exercise shown above.